Hi, I am Nikola

Mechanical engineer

Python programmer


I'm someone who thrives on side hustles, and
always juggling multiple side projects simultaneously

Crypto-Bot Alerts
This Python script scans the Crypto pairs prices and examines whether the Bollinger bands and RSI have been triggered in a 1-hour timeframe. It's available on GitHub.
Batch Automation Scripts
Collection of my Batch (.bat) and Powershell (.ps1) scripts which I used for task automation as Mechanical Engineer. It's available on GitHub.
Copyright protection agency
Status: Work in Progress
Copyright protection agency powered by AI technology in a specific niche.
Customer experience consulting agency
Status: Work in Progress
Service for helping product developers to identify areas for improvement and increase competitive advantage.


Mechanical engineer who learned to code

Hi, I'm Nikola Lazić, a mechanical engineer with a passion for side projects and Python programming. As a typical side hustle guy, I'm always seeking new challenges and learning opportunities.

My first touch with programming was at College during my Bachelor studies. My Bachelor thesis was: "Automation of the Calculation and Design of the V-Belt Drives". Besides calculations, I made an API connection with SolidWorks for generating a 3D model of the calculated pulley. It is available here. Everything was done in Visual Basic 6 and Wolfram Mathematica.

Two years ago, I started learning Python, web scraping, then databases, GUI, etc. These days, I am focused on sentiment analysis of the text and audio recordings. I'm particularly interested in Artificial Intelligence and task automation and love exploring their potential applications in my work. Check out my Projects page to see what I'm currently working on.


At the moment, the only way to reach me is via Twitter or LinkedIn, since I haven't build PHP script for Contact form.